Source code for skgstat.binning

import warnings
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from scipy.optimize import minimize, OptimizeWarning

from skgstat.util import shannon_entropy

[docs]def even_width_lags(distances, n, maxlag): """Even lag edges Calculate the lag edges for a given amount of bins using the same lag step width for all bins. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.8 Function returns `None` as second value to indicate that The number of lag classes was not changed Parameters ---------- distances : numpy.array Flat numpy array representing the upper triangle of the distance matrix. n : integer Amount of lag classes to find maxlag : integer, float Limit the last lag class to this separating distance. Returns ------- bin_edges : numpy.ndarray The **upper** bin edges of the lag classes """ # maxlags larger than the maximum separating distance will be ignored if maxlag is None or maxlag > np.nanmax(distances): maxlag = np.nanmax(distances) return np.linspace(0, maxlag, n + 1)[1:], None
[docs]def uniform_count_lags(distances, n, maxlag): """Uniform lag counts Calculate the lag edges for a given amount of bins with the same amount of observations in each lag class. The lag step width will be variable. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.8 Function returns `None` as second value to indicate that The number of lag classes was not changed Parameters ---------- distances : numpy.array Flat numpy array representing the upper triangle of the distance matrix. n : integer Amount of lag classes to find maxlag : integer, float Limit the last lag class to this separating distance. Returns ------- bin_edges : numpy.ndarray The **upper** bin edges of the lag classes """ # maxlags larger than the maximum separating distance will be ignored if maxlag is None or maxlag > np.nanmax(distances): maxlag = np.nanmax(distances) # filter for distances < maxlag d = distances[np.where(distances <= maxlag)] return np.fromiter( (np.nanpercentile(d, (i / n) * 100) for i in range(1, n + 1)), dtype=float ), None
[docs]def auto_derived_lags(distances, method_name, maxlag): """Derive bins automatically .. versionadded:: 0.3.8 Uses `histogram_bin_edges <numpy.histogram_bin_edges>` to derive the lag classes automatically. Supports any method supported by `histogram_bin_edges <numpy.histogram_bin_edges>`. It is recommended to use `'sturges'`, `'doane'` or `'fd'`. Parameters ---------- distances : numpy.array Flat numpy array representing the upper triangle of the distance matrix. maxlag : integer, float Limit the last lag class to this separating distance. method_name : str Any method supported by `histogram_bin_edges <numpy.histogram_bin_edges>` Returns ------- bin_edges : numpy.ndarray The **upper** bin edges of the lag classes See Also -------- numpy.histogram_bin_edges """ # maxlags larger than maximum separating distance will be ignored if maxlag is None or maxlag > np.nanmax(distances): maxlag = np.nanmax(distances) # filter for distances < maxlag d = distances[np.where(distances <= maxlag)] # calculate the edges edges = np.histogram_bin_edges(d, bins=method_name)[1:] return edges, len(edges)
[docs]def kmeans(distances, n, maxlag, binning_random_state=42, **kwargs): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.9 Clustering of pairwise separating distances between locations up to maxlag. The lag class edges are formed equidistant from each cluster center. Note: this does not necessarily result in equidistance lag classes. Parameters ---------- distances : numpy.array Flat numpy array representing the upper triangle of the distance matrix. n : integer Amount of lag classes to find maxlag : integer, float Limit the last lag class to this separating distance. Returns ------- bin_edges : numpy.ndarray The **upper** bin edges of the lag classes See Also -------- sklearn.cluster.KMeans Note ---- The :class:`KMeans <sklearn.cluster.KMeans>` that is used under the hood is not a deterministic algorithm, as the starting cluster centroids are seeded randomly. This can yield slightly different results on reach run. Thus, for this application, the random_state on KMeans is fixed to a specific value. You can change the seed by passing another seed to :class:`Variogram <skgstat.Variogram>` as `binning_random_state`. """ # maxlags larger than maximum separating distance will be ignored if maxlag is None or maxlag > np.nanmax(distances): maxlag = np.nanmax(distances) # filter for distances < maxlag d = distances[np.where(distances <= maxlag)] # filter the sklearn convervence warning, because working with # undefined state in binning does not make any sense with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error') # cluster the filtered distances try: km = KMeans(n_clusters=n, random_state=binning_random_state).fit(d.reshape(-1, 1)) except ConvergenceWarning: raise ValueError("KMeans failed to converge. Maybe you need to use a different n_lags.") # get the centers _centers = np.sort(km.cluster_centers_.flatten()) # build the upper edges bounds = zip([0] + list(_centers)[:-1], _centers) edges = np.fromiter(((low + up) / 2 for low, up in bounds), dtype=float) return edges, None
[docs]def ward(distances, n, maxlag, **kwargs): """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.9 Clustering of pairwise separating distances between locations up to maxlag. The lag class edges are formed equidistant from each cluster center. Note: this does not necessarily result in equidistance lag classes. The clustering is done by merging pairs of clusters that minimize the variance for the merged clusters, unitl `n` clusters are found. Parameters ---------- distances : numpy.array Flat numpy array representing the upper triangle of the distance matrix. n : integer Amount of lag classes to find maxlag : integer, float Limit the last lag class to this separating distance. Returns ------- bin_edges : numpy.ndarray The **upper** bin edges of the lag classes See Also -------- sklearn.clsuter.AgglomerativeClustering """ # maxlags larger than maximum separating distance will be ignored if maxlag is None or maxlag > np.nanmax(distances): maxlag = np.nanmax(distances) # filter for distances < maxlag d = distances[np.where(distances <= maxlag)] # cluster the filtered distances w = AgglomerativeClustering(linkage='ward', n_clusters=n).fit(d.reshape(-1, 1)) # get the aggregation function if kwargs.get('binning_agg_func', False) == 'median': agg = np.median else: agg = np.mean # get the centers _centers = np.sort([agg(d[np.where(w.labels_ == i)[0]]) for i in np.unique(w.labels_)]) # build the upper edges bounds = zip([0] + list(_centers)[:-1], _centers) edges = np.fromiter(((low + up) / 2 for low, up in bounds), dtype=float) return edges, None
[docs]def stable_entropy_lags(distances, n, maxlag, **kwargs): """ .. versionadded: 0.4.0 Optimizes the lag class edges for `n` lag classes. The algorithm minimizes the difference between Shannon Entropy for each lag class. Consequently, the final lag classes should be of comparable uncertainty. Parameters ---------- distances : numpy.array Flat numpy array representing the upper triangle of the distance matrix. n : integer Amount of lag classes to find maxlag : integer, float Limit the last lag class to this separating distance. Keyword Arguments ----------------- binning_maxiter : int Maximum iterations before the optimization is stopped, if the lag edges do not converge. binning_entropy_bins : int, str Binning method for calculating the shannon entropy on each iteration. Returns ------- bin_edges : numpy.ndarray The **upper** bin edges of the lag classes """ # maxlags larger than maximum separating distance will be ignored if maxlag is None or maxlag > np.nanmax(distances): maxlag = np.nanmax(distances) # filter for distances < maxlag d = distances[np.where(distances <= maxlag)] # create a global binning and initial guess bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(d, bins=kwargs.get('binning_entropy_bins', 'sqrt')) initial_guess = np.linspace(0, np.nanmax(d), n + 1)[1:] # define the loss function def loss(edges): # get the shannon entropy for the current binning h = np.ones(len(edges) - 1) * 9999 for i, bnd in enumerate(zip(edges, edges[1:])): l, u = bnd x = d[np.where((d >= l) & (d < u))[0]] if len(x) == 0: continue else: h[i] = shannon_entropy(x, bins) # return the absolute differences between the bins return np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(h))) # minimize the loss function opt = dict(maxiter=kwargs.get('binning_maxiter', 5000)) res = minimize(loss, initial_guess, method='Nelder-Mead', options=opt) if res.success: return res.x, None else: # pragma: no cover raise OptimizeWarning("Failed to find optimal lag classes.")