
Spatial interpolation

In geostatistics the procedure of spatial interpolation is known as Kriging. That goes back to the inventor of Kriging, a South-African mining engineer called Dave Krige. He published the method in 1951. In many text books you will also find the term prediction, but be aware that Kriging is still based on the assumption that the variable is a random field. THerefore I prefer the term estimation and would label the Kriging method a BLUE, B est L inear U nbiased E stimator. In general terms, the objective is to estimate a variable at a location that was not observed using observations from close locations. Kriging is considered to be the best estimator, because we utilize the spatial structure described by a variogram to find suitable weights for averaging the observations at close locations.

Given a set of observation points s and observation values at these locations \(Z(s)\), it can already be stated that the estimation at an unobserved location \(Z^{*}(s_0)\) is a weighted mean:

\[Z^{*}(s_0) = \sum_{i=0}^N {\lambda}_i Z(s_i)\]

where \(N\) is the size of \(s\) and \(\lambda\) is the array of weights. This is what we want to calculate from a fitted variogram model.

Assumed that \(\lambda\) had already been calculated, estimating the prediction is pretty straightforward:

In [1]: Z_s = np.array([4.2, 6.1, 0.2, 0.7, 5.2])

In [2]: lam = np.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4])

# calculate the weighted mean
In [3]: np.sum(Z_s * lam)
Out[3]: 4.42

or shorter:

In [4]:
Out[4]: 4.42

In the example above the weights were just made up. Now we need to understand how this array of weights can be calculated.

Using a spatial model

Instead of just making up weights, we will now learn how we can utilize a variogram model to calculate the weights. At its core a variogram describes how point observations become more dissimilar with distance. Point distances can easily be calculated, not only for observed locations, but also for unobserved locations. As the variogram is only a function of distance, we can easily calculate a semi-variance value for any possible combination of point pairs.

Assume we have five close observations for an unobserved location, like in the example above. Instead of making up weights, we can use the semi-variance value as a weight, as a first shot. What we still need are locations and a variogram model. For both, we can just make something up.

In [5]: x = np.array([4.0, 2.0, 4.1, 0.3, 2.0])

In [6]: y = np.array([5.5, 1.2, 3.7, 2.0, 2.5])

In [7]: z = np.array([4.2, 6.1, 0.2, 0.7, 5.2])

In [8]: s0 = [2., 2.]

In [9]: distance_matrix = pdist([s0] + list(zip(x,y)))

In [10]: squareform(distance_matrix)
array([[0.   , 4.031, 0.8  , 2.702, 1.7  , 0.5  ],
       [4.031, 0.   , 4.742, 1.803, 5.093, 3.606],
       [0.8  , 4.742, 0.   , 3.265, 1.879, 1.3  ],
       [2.702, 1.803, 3.265, 0.   , 4.163, 2.419],
       [1.7  , 5.093, 1.879, 4.163, 0.   , 1.772],
       [0.5  , 3.606, 1.3  , 2.419, 1.772, 0.   ]])

Next, we build up a variogram model of spherical shape, that uses a effective range larger than the distances in the matrix. Otherwise, we would just calcualte the arithmetic mean.

In [11]: from skgstat.models import spherical

# range= 7. sill = 2. nugget = 0.
In [12]: model = lambda h: spherical(h, 7.0, 2.0, 0.0)

The distances to the first point s0 are the first 5 elements in the distance matrix. Therefore the semi-variances are calculated straightforward.

In [13]: variances = model(distance_matrix[:5])

In [14]: assert len(variances) == 5

Of course we could now use the inverse of these semi-variances to weigh the observations, but that would not be correct. Remeber, that this array variances is what we want the target weights to incorporte. Whatever the weights are, these variances should be respected. At the same time, the five points among each other also have distances and therefore variances that should be respected. Or to put it differently. Take the first observation point \(s_1\). The associated variances \(\gamma\) to the other four points need to match the one just calculated.

\[a_1 * \gamma(s_1, s_1) + a_2 * \gamma(s_1, s_2) + a_3 * \gamma(s_1, s_3) + a_4 * \gamma(s_1, s_4) + a_5 * \gamma(s_1, s_5) = \gamma(s_1, s_0)\]

Ok. First: \(\gamma(s_1, s_1)\) is zero because the distance is obviously zero and the model does not have a nugget. All other distances have already been calculated. \(a_1 ... a_5\) are factors. These are the weights used to satisfy all given semi-variances. This is what we need. Obviously, we cannot calculate 5 unknown variables from just one equation. Lukily we have four more observations. Writing the above equation for \(s_2, s_3, s_4, s_5\). Additionally, we will write the linear equation system in matrix form as a dot product of the \(\gamma_i\) and the \(a_i\) part.

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} \gamma(s_1, s_1) & \gamma(s_1, s_2) & \gamma(s_1, s_3) & \gamma(s_1, s_4) & \gamma(s_1, s_5) \\ \gamma(s_2, s_1) & \gamma(s_2, s_2) & \gamma(s_2, s_3) & \gamma(s_2, s_4) & \gamma(s_2, s_5) \\ \gamma(s_3, s_1) & \gamma(s_3, s_2) & \gamma(s_3, s_3) & \gamma(s_3, s_4) & \gamma(s_3, s_5) \\ \gamma(s_4, s_1) & \gamma(s_4, s_2) & \gamma(s_4, s_3) & \gamma(s_4, s_4) & \gamma(s_4, s_5) \\ \gamma(s_5, s_1) & \gamma(s_5, s_2) & \gamma(s_5, s_3) & \gamma(s_5, s_4) & \gamma(s_5, s_5) \\ \end{pmatrix} * \begin{bmatrix} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ a_3 \\ a_4 \\ a_5\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \gamma(s_0, s_1) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_2) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_3) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_4) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_5) \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

That might look a bit complicated at first, but we have calculated almost everything. The last matrix are the variances that we calculated in the last step. The first matrix is of same shape as the sqaureform distance matrix calculated in the very begining. All we need to do is to map the variogram model on it and solve the system for the matrix of factors \(a_1 \ldots a_5\). In Python, there are several strategies how you could solve this problem. Let’s at first build the matrix. We need a distance matrix without \(s_0\) for that.

In [15]: dists = pdist(list(zip(x,y)))

In [16]: M = squareform(model(dists))

In [17]: pprint(M)
array([[0.   , 1.721, 0.756, 1.798, 1.409],
       [1.721, 0.   , 1.298, 0.786, 0.551],
       [0.756, 1.298, 0.   , 1.574, 0.995],
       [1.798, 0.786, 1.574, 0.   , 0.743],
       [1.409, 0.551, 0.995, 0.743, 0.   ]])

In [18]: pprint(variances)
array([1.537, 0.341, 1.1  , 0.714, 0.214])

And solve it:

In [19]: from scipy.linalg import solve

# solve for a
In [20]: a = solve(M, variances)

In [21]: pprint(a)
array([-0.022,  0.362,  0.018,  0.037,  0.593])

# calculate estimation
In [22]:
Out[22]: 5.226267185422778

That’s it. Well, not really. We might have used the variogram and the spatial structure infered from the data for getting better results, but in fact our result is not unbiased. That means, the solver can choose any combination that satisfies the equation, even setting everything to zero except one weight. That means \(a\) could be biased. That would not be helpful.

In [23]: np.sum(a)
Out[23]: 0.9872744357166217

Kriging equation system

In the last section we came pretty close to the Kriging algorithm. The only thing missing is to assure unbiasedness. The weights sum up to almost one, but they are not one. We want to ensure, that they are always one. This is done by adding one more equation to the linear equation system. Also, we will rename the \(a\) array to \(\lambda\), which is more frequently used for Kriging weights. The missing equation is:

\[\sum_{i=1}^N \lambda = 1\]

In matrix form this changes \(M\) to:

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} \gamma(s_1, s_1) & \gamma(s_1, s_2) & \gamma(s_1, s_3) & \gamma(s_1, s_4) & \gamma(s_1, s_5) & 1\\ \gamma(s_2, s_1) & \gamma(s_2, s_2) & \gamma(s_2, s_3) & \gamma(s_2, s_4) & \gamma(s_2, s_5) & 1\\ \gamma(s_3, s_1) & \gamma(s_3, s_2) & \gamma(s_3, s_3) & \gamma(s_3, s_4) & \gamma(s_3, s_5) & 1\\ \gamma(s_4, s_1) & \gamma(s_4, s_2) & \gamma(s_4, s_3) & \gamma(s_4, s_4) & \gamma(s_4, s_5) & 1\\ \gamma(s_5, s_1) & \gamma(s_5, s_2) & \gamma(s_5, s_3) & \gamma(s_5, s_4) & \gamma(s_5, s_5) & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix} * \begin{bmatrix} \lambda_1 \\ \lambda_2 \\ \lambda_3 \\ \lambda_4 \\ \lambda_5 \\ \mu \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \gamma(s_0, s_1) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_2) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_3) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_4) \\ \gamma(s_0, s_5) \\ 1 \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

This is the Kriging equation for Ordinary Kriging that can be found in text books. We added the ones to the result array and into the matrix of semivariances. \(\mu\) is a Lagrangian multiplier that will be used to estimate the Kriging variance, which will be covered later. Ordinary Kriging still assumes the observation and their residuals to be normally distributed and second order stationarity.


Include the references to Kitanidis and Bardossy.

Applied in Python, this can be done like:

In [24]: B = np.concatenate((variances, [1]))

In [25]: M = np.concatenate((M, [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]), axis=0)

In [26]: M = np.concatenate((M, [[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [0]]), axis=1)

In [27]: weights = solve(M, B)

# see the weights
In [28]: print('Old weights:', a)
Old weights: [-0.022  0.362  0.018  0.037  0.593]

In [29]: print('New weights:', weights[:-1])
New weights: [-0.017  0.365  0.02   0.041  0.592]

In [30]: print('Old estimation:',
Old estimation: 5.226267185422778

In [31]: print('New estimation:',[:-1]))
New estimation: 5.2628805787423785

In [32]: print('Mean:', np.mean(Z_s))
Mean: 3.28

And the sum of weights:

In [33]: np.sum(weights[:-1])
Out[33]: 1.0

The estimation did not change a lot, but the weights perfectly sum up to one now.

Kriging error

In the last step, we introduced a factor \(\mu\). It was needed to solve the linear equation system while assuring that the weights sum up to one. This factor can in turn be added to the weighted target semi-variances used to build the equation system, to obtain the Kriging error.

In [34]: sum(B[:-1] * weights[:-1]) + weights[-1]
Out[34]: 0.26287575392868306

This is really usefull when a whole map is interpolated. Using Kriging, you can also produce a map showing in which regions the interpolation is more certain.


We can use the data shown in the variography section, to finally interpolate the field and check the Kriging error. You could either build a loop around the code shown in the previous section, or just use skgstat.

In [35]: data = pd.read_csv('data/sample_lr.csv')

In [36]: V = Variogram(data[['x', 'y']].values, data.z.values,
   ....:   maxlag=90, n_lags=25, model='gaussian', normalize=False)

In [37]: V.plot()
Out[37]: <Figure size 800x500 with 2 Axes>

In [38]: from skgstat import OrdinaryKriging

In [39]: ok = OrdinaryKriging(V, min_points=5, max_points=20, mode='exact')

The OrdinaryKriging class need at least a fitted Variogram instance. Using min_points we can demand the Kriging equation system to be build upon at least 5 points to yield robust results. If not enough close observations are found within the effective range of the variogram, the estimation will not be calculated and a np.NaN value is estimated.

The max_points parameter will set the upper bound of the equation system by using in this case at last the 20 nearest points. Adding more will most likely not change the estimation, as more points will recieve small, if not negligible, weights. But it will increase the processing time, as each added point will increase the Kriging equation system dimensionality by one.

The mode parameter sets the method that will build up the equation system. There are two implemented: mode=’exact’ and mode=’estimate’. Estimate is much faster, but if not used carefully, it can lead to numerical instability quite quickly. In the technical notes section of this userguide, you will find a whole section on the two modes.

Finally, we need the unobsered locations. The observations in the file were drawn from a 100x100 random field.

In [40]: xx, yy = np.mgrid[0:99:100j, 0:99:100j]

In [41]: field = ok.transform(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()).reshape(xx.shape)

In [42]: s2 = ok.sigma.reshape(xx.shape)
