
Welcome to SciKit GStat

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SciKit-Gstat is a scipy-styled analysis module for variogram analysis. The base class is called Variogram, which is probably the only import needed. However, several other classes exist:

The variogram classes have a similar interface and can compute experimental variograms and fit theoretical variogram model functions. The module makes use of a rich selection of semi-variance estimators, variogram model functions and sptial binning functions, while being extensible at the same time.

How to cite

In case you use SciKit-GStat in other software or scientific publications, please reference this module. It is published and has a DOI. It can be cited as:

Mirko Mälicke, Egil Möller, Helge David Schneider, & Sebastian Müller. (2021, May 28).

mmaelicke/scikit-gstat: A scipy flavoured geostatistical variogram analysis toolbox (Version v0.6.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4835779
